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Nomadic Driving specialises in all elements of car driving from beginner to advanced

We have saved our corporate clients up to 30% on their fuel bills and never less than 10%. Add to this lower maintenance bills and reduced accident risk and the benefits are clear.
Nomadic Driving is experienced in technical and fleet management as well as driving and can deliver the Driving Instructor Association (DIA) DIAmond Advanced and Elite tests. These are officially recognised by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), the government department responsible for driving tests. The DIAmond courses are subject to DVSA quality audits.

DIAmond also extends to taxi testing, so local authorities can assure themselves that taxi drivers meet the desired high standards.

Nomadic Driving also delivers the Drive IQ Pro syllabus to new drivers

This is a 5 module, structured course built around in car training but addresses the higher level skills frequently omitted in driver training.